KKL-JNF at COP26 in Glasgow

KKL-JNF continues its work in addressing climate change and voices its position on this important issue. On November 10, 2021, KK-JNF representatives, Dr. Doron Markel and Dr. Gilad Ostrovsky, participated in a joint session of KKL-JNF and the Ministry of Environmental Protection at the UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow. Following are the main topics presented by the Chief Scientist of KKL-JNF, Dr. Doron Markel:

• The session was broadcast online via the Glasgow Climate Change Conference digital platform and had more than 200 views. Watch the event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaAB6z3tQfA

• The joint session included examples of Israeli nature-based solutions to ecological problems related to the climate crisis.

• Prof. Noga Kronfeld-Schur, Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, opened the session with a general presentation and introduced the speakers.

• Dr. Doron Markel, KKL-JNF Chief Scientist, lectured on the lessons learned from the draining and re-flooding of the Hula Valley in managing the world’s wetlands. 

• Dr. Gilad Ostrovsky, KKL-JNF Chief Forester, lectured on the natural regeneration of forests as a tool to combat forest fires and increase forest resilience.

• Ms. Tamar Raviv, Head of Biodiversity and Open Spaces Division at the Ministry of Environmental Protection presented a lecture on the use of nature-based solutions to strengthen urban ecological resilience.

• Prof. Noga Kronfeld Schur, Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, presented nature-based solutions to environmental health issues in conclusion to the climate change lectures and summarized the sesssion’s main messages.

Materials and additional information on KKL-JNF and its activities to battle the climate crisis can be found via the following link to the Climate section on the Partnership site:


Thanks to the help and the generosity of our donors, KKL-JNF can continue its work: host and participate in national and global conferences, initiate and support research on various vital topics and disseminate and share its knowledge on climate change with other communities, organizations and countries. We thank you for helping promote the following projects from the chief scientist available for donation:
